First Public Release

Hello everyone, this is Shrike.

I've done some experimenting in the past with Godot but this is the first real attempt to make a complete game.

It is not yet complete but it's playable and (I think) quite fun already.

It is of course based of suika game (water melon game). In suika game you drop fruits into an area, if fruits of the same type touch they combine into a bigger one. You get scored as you combine fruits and progress, but it gets harder due to the space limitations and increasing number of different fruit types.

I have taken it a little further than that, but the core concept is the same. I've re-themed it around purin and NoWorld's NoiR.
Additionally I'm using different scoring methods, slightly different sizes of each purin, play area, randomization strategy, etc.
For the latter I'm using a technique found in more modern Tetris games. You get a random assortment of purin that get put into a virtual "bag" (based on a progression system that allows them to appear for you to drop, more on that later). It adds one of each purin you have unlocked and then when you drop it, it's removed from the bag. When the bag is empty it's refilled with the same strategy. Additionally whenever you progress enough to unlock another type of purin to drop, it adds an entire new bag's worth of purin to the existing bag without waiting for it to empty. 

Generally speaking the progression goes like this:
Until you make a level 3 purin (red) you will only get to drop level 1 purin. Once you have formed at least one level 3/red purin, then level 2 purin (orange) are unlocked to be added to your virtual bag of purin to drop. Every odd level of purin you manage to combine should give you access to one more purin type to drop (so you'll never actually get to directly drop the second half of purin types!).

This makes the early game quite forgiving and you can rapidly progress, but you have to plan for long-term success if you want to reach the highest tier of purin. Positioning, timing, seeing what purin will drop next, and keeping a mental note of what purin you've already dropped or have not dropped will give you an advantage.

I have added a grace period so you do not immediately lose the second a purin is shot out the top of the play area. Right now it is 3 seconds and will show an indicator that counts down 3, 2, 1 then you will game over. As long as you get all of the purin out of the danger zone and back into the play area before it reaches 0, it will reset and you won't game over.

I still need to go through and do proper UIs, graphics, new purin images, etc. But the proof of concept ones are "good enough" for now to play with.

Future plans involve adding other language support (that should be done soon(TM)), making it modable (re-theme it however you want, changes how many purin types there are, the physics parameters, etc), a two-player mode (local), a two-player mode against AI (I'd like to add some deep-learning to it and see if I can make an amazing AI play the game), and more.

Oh, and did I mention. IT IS COMPLETELY OPEN SOURCE. You can download the project, load it up, and make any changes you want.
Do note that if you want to publish your own versions of it, you must also make yours open source. As per the GPL-3.0 license.

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5 days ago

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